We specialise in Insurance Product Configurator which provides cutting-edge software that is tailor-made just for you. Our expertise in product development and maintenance of Digital Insurance Product Configurator Tools helps you with your insurance needs. Our front-end-driven product configuration facilitates seamless transactions in a user-friendly manner, thereby giving the user an advantage.
Our product configurator insurance tool is configurable and can be restructured to adapt and meet the changing demands of the market. Underwriting for insurance products requires sub-limits and exclusions. The specially developed dynamic benefit selection in our insurance product configurator software takes care of that. It allows up to five sub-limits and coded exclusions. We have also factored in customised infrastructure that is scalable to meet the requirements of products, both for in-house and for TPA-managed policies.
The interface and design allows co-share and co-pay to be included along with various options of benefits as defined in the indemnity. This single solution Insurance Product Configurator allows in-built checks for a secure transaction to be made. Our disruptive insurance product configurator software allows communication with customers while providing them with real-time information from the Reporting and BI Analytics dashboard.